I'm looking for some new games, as my GTA collection is starting to get boring.

What I'm looking for are games that allow freedom to roam around and create havoc on the city while allowing a multitude of ways to kill innocent citizens.

I don't care so much about the storyline. Most of my time will be spent making up my own missions. For example, in GTA SA I would see how many tow trucks I could connect together and park on the train track before the next train. Or, I'd hole myself up an abandoned warehouse and see how long I could last in a police shootout.

In GTA4, I would see how many prisoners I could kill before the guards got me.

So in a nutshell, I'm looking to cause chaos and destruction without the linear storyline. I'm a casual gamer and popular stuff like Call of Duty or Halo just don't appeal to me.

So far, I have found only two other games that might fit my criteria: Infamous and Saints Row 2.

What do the gamers of TO recommend?