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View Full Version : How to- Modded intake

01-18-2010, 07:10 PM
Copied this from another forum...to help out those wanting to do this mod.

Ok guys I know this has been talked about on other forums but just so anyone who comes here knows. You don't always have to put an aftermarket intake in to improve your air intake. First off I have done this mod myself and believe it gave me better throttle response. Open the stock intake filter box. Remove the stock filter. When you look straight at the filter box from the front of the truck you will see a round tube at the bottom of the box that pulls air from inside the hole in the driver side fender well. Now take a dremel tool. If you don't know what this is its like a drill without a handle. Get a black & decker if you are getting a new one. I love mine and find many uses for it. Put a plastic cutt off wheel on your dremel and cut a long oval shape out of the top of this tube. The bigger piece you cut out the more air can flow freely through the filter. The way the stock box is set up the air has to take a very sharp angle out of one tube under the filter to get into the other end on the opposite side of the filter. This is a big bottleneck. Now that you have your cut out. Clean up any plastic pieces that are in the filter box. I stress to clean very well. I don't think you would want any plastic pieces getting sucked up into your engine. Now if you want put your stock filter back in the box and seal everything up. If you want to increase the flow even more. Pick up a aftermarket drop in filter. K&N or Fram Air Hog they are both great and have benifits besides better flow. They both are cleanable and last a very long time. This is a low level tech tip and any beginner could do this. Hope it helps you out.



01-18-2010, 11:42 PM
Thats good or you can also trace the line where it meets and cut it there.

01-18-2010, 11:47 PM
On my frontier. We just shapped the drimel to the outer edge of the box and made huge holes to catch massive airflow. Which worked great as far as performance goes. But when offroad the water would just stay logged in there and drain out eventually...not as good lol

But you could always just put gun holes in the tube and that way its both safe,easy and pratical.