You ever wonder who's that sexy dispatcher on the other end? Yup, that's me! Lol just kidding. Side job as a dispatcher for Johnson Controls contracted trucks. Call the driver to see where he's on his route, etc and I pretty much call every Wallys/Sams, Sears, O'reillys, NAPAs, Autozone, Interstate Batteries stores and warehouses in the west for check ups, counts, confirmation dates, delays, etc. Full-time I'm a student, education is a top priority.. I was fortunate to be raised in a blessed home so I don't get any financial aid bullshit.. unless I decide to have kids for FA money un-wed! So I have to make my way by providing for my education 100%.. currently looking for a secure full-time job. Batteries don't sell well in the winter. Lol.. Industrial designer by trade, domestic engineer at home, LOL